Tricks & Tips

“DAPHNE SUPER CS” high-quality air compressor lubricant

“Air compressor lubricant” is the viscosity fluid for air compressors that have experienced problems with carbon or sticky rubber formation in the system, And corrosion of copper parts makes oil’s color turn cloudy because it can’t separate well from water. DAPHNE SUPER CS is designed specifically for piston-type air compressors. It is a lubricant that is stable against Oxidation. Strongly film oil, Variable to low temperature, increase a ceiling effectively (Seal oil), and improve compressed air efficiency. Prevents soot formation and reduces carbon deposits in the system.



From the results of carbon residue in a system testing by heating the oil at 220 to 250 for 20 hours, It was found that DAPHNE SUPER CS will have approximately 3.9% carbon residue remaining and is dry and can be peeled off easily. But competitors’ products have more carbon residue and are rubbery in appearance, which creates problems causing jams in the piston or in the cooling system, and the oil filter has no oil to lubricate the system, causing damage to the air compressor.



In the testing of the efficiency of separating the well with water, the drained water was in the form of an emulsion or a milky color and the oil was cloudy. This indicates that the oil’s ability to separate from water is poor, which will cause rust and wear in the system.



DAPHNE SUPER CS will not form the emulsion, Showing that it has a good ability to separate between oil and water. It also consumes less oil. Stable against oxidation. Excellent in preventing rust and eliminating bubbles in the oil.

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